How Do You Show What You Are Thinking?

When we look at a piece of Art, when we use a new digital device, when we watch a commercial, when we read a book, when we look at a picture we are witnessing the way someone or a group of people think. We witness thinking everyday, that we are blissfully unaware of for the most part. I often find myself interacting with things, including writing, that leave me scratching my head about how the maker of the thing was thinking.

Those of you who know me well, know that I am a tea drinker. I recently went on a search for a new tea kettle. There are thousands of products to choose from. My goal was to find the kettle most in line with my own sense of functionality and style. I was incredibly frustrated by the options. Anything of exceptional quality was outrageously priced, $190 and up. In searching for the perfect combo of function, style and quality I found myself repeating the phrase "What were they thinking?"

As an Artist or Designer your mission with every work you create is to let the viewer or user "in" on how you are thinking. What I would like you to blog about, is how you consider this transmission of information. How do you communicate with the viewer/user about what you are thinking? What are the mechanisms you use to show us what is on your mind? Please submit your ponderings of 400 to 500 words on your blog.
